Thursday, December 6, 2012

Todays' Animal in Need

Gender: Female
Size: Medium
Spayed: Yes
Breed: Afrikanus

Personality & History: Isis came to Ruretse as puppy together with Cupcake. She suffered some trauma and was blind. Our wonderful Vet, Lawrence treated her and gave her some medication and after a while , her sight came back. She is a loving dog and loves cuddles. She deserves to have her own home. 

The Lucky Lucy Foundation

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a culture and society of non-violence, respect, integrity, empathy and kindness and to prevent a total collapse of hope for our animals and our people. We envisage a respected and educated society with healthy, sterilized, happy and fed animals, where there is no more inhumanity, cruelty and neglect. 

To do this we focus 100% on not taking people's animals away from them. First of all this creates a vacuum for breeding and "production" of more puppies to only replace the one who has been removed or euthanazed and secondly the person didn't learn a single thing and will only cause the new addition to be in the exact same position a year down the line. 

So what do we do?
 We make every effort to reach every destitute, impoverished and poor individual in every community that we work in and in doing so we enter into a conversation on their level, respecting them and understanding their situation. The importance of sterilization, feeding, clean water, primary health care like vaccinations, deworming etc is thoroughly explained and once understood we show them what the results can be when it is done.

Does this work? 
Yes, even more so than you may think because we as educated individuals 'bothered' to spend out time in a day to help them through their animals. This trust enables us to get the permission to sterilize their animals and once one dog or cat has been sterilized and safely returned and they see the result in health benefit and no more extra puppies needing to be fed, every other individual in the communtiy sees it too and this kind of causes a ripple affect to the point where 1-2 months down the line in the community, we don't have to go search for animals who need help as they people que up to get our help.

What do we wish to achieve with this?
 We wish to build a rescue and rehabilitation centre not only for animals but for people too where the animals on our farm will be the corner stone and focus for every person whom we can reel in for skills installment and knowledge empowerment, as everything will revolve around care and empathy and animals are the most deserving recipients. In this way we hope to build not only a fully fledged 'state' animal hospital for the poor on our farm but also an upliftment, education and training centre teaching life skills like vegetable gardens, woodwork etc as well as a children's hospital for kids between 0-5 as a poor person waiting in the que at a state hospital with a child that has a terribly high fever can be just as fatal.
So basically whole goal of not confiscating and euthanizing but educating and sterilizing will mean in the long run that less shelters will be full and less euthanasie will take place. This may take more time and cost a bit more financially but the long term effect it will have on our society is what matters.
Although we do rescue and rehabilitate and run a shelter, this does not mean we take in every single animal that needs taking in: we are here only for the 'no hope left' animals, the ones that no one else would give a chance, that have no hope or future left and need a miracle to live. 

This is what Lucky Lucy is, giving hope to the hopeless and showing our society that every life matters! We are not here to take in people's pets who are moving and can't keep them, nor for those who don't want their pets because it's too much hard work or they have become a problem, it's not what we support however much we hate turning these animals away but the only way to ensure a society of integrity is to instill responsibility and with this approach we would like to see every individual understand that if you can change your life when you have children, you can do the same when you decide to have animals as both are the same sentient beings the only difference is that the one can't talk.

In short our aims are to:

  • alleviate the suffering of severely abused and neglected animals by providing sterilization, medical treatment and rehabilitation;
  • provide a safe haven for the ‘no hope left’ animals;
  • provide mass sterilization for the animals in disadvantaged communities, thereby preventing unwanted litters and ending the cycle of abuse;
  • provide vaccinations, dipping and de-worming to prevent the spread of disease;
  • provide disadvantaged communities with education on the proper care and treatment of animals and the reasons why. When they work with us food and clothing become a ‘reward’, as how can you except a poor man to feed his dog if he can’t even feed himself. We believe that by providing people with the needs to care for themselves, and the knowledge of how to correctly care for their animals, we will reduce the abuse and cruelty that is so prevalent in these communities. 

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