Saturday, January 12, 2013


(Image from here)

Whimsy is not afraid to be outrageous but she is basically shy.  She has all kinds of books, and she arranges them on the shelves by the color of the cover or how the titles sound next to each other.  She was especially pleased to put a book on African dyeing called Into Indigo next to a dark blue book on Jewish mysticism.  Her clothes are also kept by color in the closet
When Whimsy was a little girl, she would stay in the museum with the marble walls talking to the statues after everyone else left.  She has trouble keep her shoelaces tied but in every other way she is as practical as your next door neighbor.  Because she is wild, people expect her to entertain them.  She is not encouraging anyone else to live like her.  Remembering how abruptly her brother was locked for for being a troublemaker, she fears people who treat her like a curiosity.
Freedom is her lover. 

from The Book of Qualities
J. Ruth Gendler    


The image above is of an igloo made of milk cartons filled with colored water!  If that isn't Whimsy, I don't know what is!

You can read the entire article and see more pictures here and here.

1 comment:

  1. This is so incredibly perfect. So perfect. (And I love that igloo sooo much! That's a cool family.

    Thank you, thank you. This is so wonderful


Oh, look Toto - we have visitors!